
CD-R “SubTerraMachIneA”
Released on 07.12.2018
Reviews can be found on the “CDs” link. They are mostly in German, but Google Translate does a very good job.

Track List:

1.) The Tree
2.) Clockwork for Uncertain Times
3.) Silence and Ecstasy

HERE or on Bandcamp.

12,- € plus 1,45 € P&P within Germany. Other countries: Please inquire
10,- € for the Download Version on Bandcamp

Texte für WinAmp mit MiniLyrics

WinAmp really kicks the llama’s ass!

Mein absoluter Lieblings-Mediaplayer, der die beste Visualisierung bietet, die ich kenne…und das flüssig und schnell auf uralter Hardware. (Dazu aber in einem anderen Artikel).


Auf der Seite gibt es noch so einige Plugins, von denen die meisten noch funktionieren sollten. Ganz erstaunlich, was sich da findet. Eine Untertasse voller Geheimnisse 🙂 Aber manche Schätze findet man nur woanders.

Auf der Suche nach einem Plugin, mit dem man scrollende Songtexte anzeigen kann, und das auch offline funktioniert, bin ich auf MiniLyrics gestoßen. Das ideale Text-Tool.

  • Verschiedene Skins (auch teiltransparent)
  • Auto-Scrolling
  • Karaoke-artige Markierung der aktuellen Stelle
  • Nachbearbeitung mit einfach zu setzenden Zeitmarken
  • Automatische Textsuche mit guten Resultaten
  • Offline-Speicherung der Texte!

Empfehlung der Redaktion!

Instrumental Music and Titles

I wrote something on my Bandcamp Site about how Das Reich des schwarzen Fisches and its title met and melted.

Das Reich des Schwarzen Fisches

The songtitle could be translated to “The realm of the Black Fish”.

(But what does it mean?)

Instrumental Music and their Titles have a strange relationship. How does one find the right name for music that is not a song? A song usually has some kind of meaning or message, and you just take one line or word out of that, and here is your title.

But instrumental pieces?

It is hard to explain, but for me the right title is something that often exists before the music, as a phrase or word that should not be forgotten.

Then, one day, when making a piece of music, this title flies by, and they meet and fall in love with each other. “And from that day they were as one”, inseparable.

In the case of this song, the title was found somewhere in a huge derelict iron works, outside, on a sign telling people what was going on here some time ago.

After the music and the title met, I was never able to play this music without thinking abouit the Black Fish, swimming through his realm, which is sometimes lovely and sweet and sometimes harsh and dangerous.

Further developping this piece, I always had the Black Fish in mind.

I suppose he is my alter ego. One of them.[:en]I wrote something on my Bandcamp Site about how the The Realm of the Black Fish and its title met and melted.

Das Reich des Schwarzen Fisches

The songtitle could be translated to “The realm of the Black Fish”.

(But what does it mean?)

Instrumental Music and their Titles have a strange relationship. How does one find the right name for music that is not a song? A song usually has some kind of meaning or message, and you just take one line or word out of that, and here is your title.

But instrumental pieces?

It is hard to explain, but for me the right title is something that often exists before the music, as a phrase or word that should not be forgotten.

Then, one day, when making a piece of music, this title flies by, and they meet and fall in love with each other. “And from that day they were as one”, inseparable.

In the case of this song, the title was found somewhere in a huge derelict iron works, outside, on a sign telling people what was going on here some time ago.

After the music and the title met, I was never able to play this music without thinking abouit the Black Fish, swimming through his realm, which is sometimes lovely and sweet and sometimes harsh and dangerous.

Further developping this piece, I always had the Black Fish in mind.

I suppose he is my alter ego. One of them.

Expenses and compensation

A n Answer to my Application in Town X, moren than 500km away from home.

Dear Mr. Weyhing,
hereby I send you an Application Form…

However, I have to inform you that we … do not pay you, you will only receive a compensatiopn for your expenses of about 100 – 150 €. furthermore, playing time is 30, at most 45 minutes.

I have answered “thank you” and thrashed the application form.

Gerdski LIVE in Freiburg i. Brsg. am 25.07.2020

Nach der Show ist vor der Show…oder so ähnlich…

“Wäre, wäre, Fahrradkette” (Lothar Matthäus)

Gerdski LIVE in Alzey

Das Konzert fällt leider aus!

Gerdski LIVE in Magdeburg am 21.09.2019

The Secret Life of the Fireflies -> Download now!

(english version below)

Die allererste Feuershow mit den Liebellen/Fireflies wurde aufgenommen und steht auf Bandcamp für 4€ zum Download bereit:

Dies ist sowohl das erste Stück einer kompletten Feuershow-CD, die ich jetzt gerade komponiere/erstelle…als auzch ein Mini-Album mit 35 Minuten Spielzeit.

Sobald die CD fertig ist, wird man sie als Download und als Scheibe kaufen können. Und wer jetzt das Mini-Album kauft erhält die 4€ erstattet beim Erwerb des fertigen Albums. 🙂


The first Fireshow with the Magic Fireflies has been recorded and is downloadable on Bandcamp for 4€:

This is the first piece of a complete Fireshow CD that is just being composed as well as a Mini Album with 35 Minutes of running time.

As soon as the CD is finished it will be available as a download album and a CD-R. People who purchase the Mini-Album now are getting the 4€ refunded when they buy the album. 🙂

Foto von Koschi. Danke :-)
Foto von Koschi. Danke 🙂